

woman warriors

The focus of this workshop is to empower woman, young and old, to use their voice, speak up and be secure in their own skin. When we start to truly understand ourselves is when we can find harmony and happiness. Through the power of positive suggestion we will teach you techniques that will help you to regain “who am I and where am I going.”

Drum Making Workshops

In this workshop over two days we will each create a drum and a drum stick with wood and animal hid. The drum is used to bring balance and renewal to a persons mind, body and spirit.

leadership and mentorship

This workshop is geared towards youth 9 to 18, we look at how mentoring can improve the quality of a growing adolescents mind. Teaching them positive leadership skills and how to create positive tracks in our journey for followers. They need to be the voices of tomorrow.

living through lateral violence

 In this two-day workshop we dive deep into lateral violence and the effects it has on the world around. We focus on building healthy communities and techniques on how to change the toxic narrative through real ultimatums. Helping people see their actions and assisting them in become consciously aware of the outcomes. We all deserve to feel safe!

Mindfulness & Human Connection

It is perfectly fine to have a bad day and express negative feelings but we always need to be mindful of how we project our feelings. Mindfulness is focusing awareness and having a conscious state of mind in the present moment. Relating to positive human connections, in this workshop we will do some hands on exercises that will allow one to interact more effectively in a social atmosphere with confidence.

Kindness Teachings Of Today

In this one-day workshop we focus on being kind to the people around us whether it is our neighbor, friend, family member, co-worker, partner, roommate etc. Some days when we are consumed by our own needs we forget to remember about how our moods affect others? If we always try to live kind and thoughtful we will always facilitate through the rough days with grace.

Treed Softly

Focuses on understanding what Mother Earth is going through and the teachings of renewable energy. How what we do affects the world around us. We will explore energy efficiency, healthy homes and simple things we can do to help her breath easier.

Regaining Our Culture

This is a beautifully put together two days of exploring the history and culture we come from. Everyone is different and has a unique story to tell.  There is an interactive portion will allow us to break the ice & dive deep getting to know everyone in the room. When we feel lost & alone we need to head back to our roots, remembering where we come from. On the second day we will provide an activity that will share something from our culture with you and your community will share something meaningful from your culture.

if you would like otto book any workshop or have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us anytime!

Address List

  • 261, Railway Drive
    Beardmore, Ontario
    Canada P0T 1G0
  • +1 807 875 1111
    +1 807 853 2497 (Cell)


Everyday we look at the world around us and see a dire need to help people.

© 2020, Living In Kindness. All rights reserved.