Bridget Perrier

Bridget Perrier
Motivational Speaker

Bridget Perrier is a First Nations woman. Her spirit name is Wasayakwe, meaning Women of Light. Bridget was born to an Ojibway woman who lovingly placed Bridget up for adoption so that she would have a better life, and so she was raised in a large, loving, non-native family. When Bridget was 8 years old she was sexually abused by a family friend, the pain that she felt burdened her, and by 12 years old Bridget had been lured and debased into prostitution. She was bought and sold in brothels and streets all over Canada. Bridget found healing within Toronto’s First Nations community, eventually went back to school, and got into George Brown College, where she graduated from The Community Worker Program. Bridget also was a recipient of the YWCA Woman of Distinction Turning Point award in 2006. In 2007 she co-founded Sextrade101 an organization that is survivor lead that educates the public about the real truths surrounding Prostitution and Trafficking and also providing support to those who are caught up in the cycle of prostitution with exiting and mentorship and advocacy. Bridget speaks from a First Nations perspective and feels that Prostitution truly effects and places Canada’s First Nations women at harm’s risk.


Address List

  • 261, Railway Drive
    Beardmore, Ontario
    Canada P0T 1G0
  • +1 807 875 1111
    +1 807 853 2497 (Cell)


Everyday we look at the world around us and see a dire need to help people.

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